Google Display Network


Youtube Partner watch pages are watch pages:


If English speaking user is located in Spain and doesn’t specify a language preference, he will see:


Jack is a car salesman and he noticed that visitors who are interested in websites related to parenting are 30% more likely to buy his cars than the typical website visitor. What should he change in his targeting to benefit from that?


Best practice when creating ads in Display ad builder is:


How can you access the performance statistics of your reservation ads on Youtube?


You can improve your quality score by:


Ruslan‘s electronic component business is running a “Display Network only - All features” campaign. He knows that his keyword “USB flash drive” performs well on Fridays, and when he targets the “Computer memory” topic. First, he sets a custom bid of $


When running Display campaign, it’s recommended to correct your targeting in the Networks tab by excluding sites in the week 2 or 3 of campaign launch.


You can experiment with a different colors, fonts and images in your ad, but if you’re targeting a specific placement, it’s recommended to:


What display assets are available for advertising on Youtube?