
This is a listing of my grants and other activities:

  • Singh, Mandeep (2013), iFlip College Wide Deployment, grant funded by the College of
    Business and Technology’s Advisory Board. Grant Value $40,000.
  • Singh, Mandeep (2012), “iFlip – iLearn” grant to flip two courses and to introduce this
    teaching methodology to the college at large. Grant value $75, 000.
  • Singh, Mandeep (2000), "A Primer on E-Business Strategy," Developed for the First Stop
    Information Center – Department of Commerce and Community Affairs,
    Springfield, IL.
  • Singh, Mandeep (2000), “E-Marketing,” Dean’s Grant to facilitate Instructional
    Development, College of Business & Technology, Western Illinois University.
  • Singh, Mandeep (1999), “Internet Marketing,” Dean’s Grant to facilitate Instructional
    Development, College of Business & Technology, Western Illinois University.
  • Singh, Mandeep, Peppi M. Kenny, and John T. Drea (1996), “WWW – Based Advertising
    Contrasted with TV Advertising; An Empirical Examination,” University Research
  • Singh, Mandeep, Peppi M. Kenny and James T. Kenny (1996), “Conducting and Alumni
    Survey to Assess and Improve Educational Offerings,” WIU Foundation Grant.
  • Drea, John T., Principle Researcher (1996), “Maintaining and Building Amtrak Ridership
    in Illinois: A Research and Marketing Plan Proposal” funded by the Illinois
    Transportation Research Center. Co-researchers: Mandeep Singh, James
    Kenny, Joe Hanna, Kennith Mietus, Karen Harris, and Theresa Simmons.
  • Singh, Mandeep and David Bloomberg (1996), “Marketing Principles on the World Wide
    Web,” Dean’s Grant, College of Business & Technology, Western Illinois
  • Singh, Mandeep, Rick, Peek, and Barbara Limbach (1995), “Distance Education
    Assessment Plan (DEAP),” Chadron State College.
  • Ramaprasad, A., Srivastava, T., and Mandeep Singh, (1992), “Empowering the Child-
    welfare Worker: Use of Notebook Computers to Improve the Quality of Child-
    welfare Service,” School of Social Work, Southern Illinois University.