
  • Gundala Raghava and Mandeep Singh (2018), ” Perceptions of Integrated Experiential
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    Available Online:
  • Gundala Raghava and Mandeep Singh (2016), ” The Role of Simulations in Student
    Learning – A Case Study Using a Marketing Simulation, ” Journal of Educational
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    Available Online:
  • Muhammad Nazreen, Raghava Gundala, Mandeep Singh, and Jessica Harriger, (2015)
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  • Gundala, Raghava, Mandeep Singh, & Andrew Baldwin (2014), “Student Perceptions on
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  • Gundala, Raghava, Mandeep Singh, & Sherrard Spiers. 2014. “Culture and Consumer
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    Available Online:
  • Singh, Mandeep. 2014. “Personal Branding – An Audit” featured in Tanner, John F. and
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  • Stephen W. Brown, Frederick E. Webster Jr., Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, William L.
    Wilkie, Jagdish N. Sheth, Rajendra R. Sisodia, Roger A. Kerin, Deborah
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  • Singh, Mandeep, Siva Balasubramanian, and Goutam Chakraborthy (2000), “A
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  • Engelland, Brian, Letty Workman, and Mandeep Singh, (2000), “Ensuring Service
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  • Engelland, Brian, Chris Hopkins, Letty Workman, and Mandeep Singh (1998), “Service
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  • Drea, John T., Mandeep Singh, and Brian Engelland (1997), “Using Experiential
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