Location Targeting 1. If you have a small business which provides services to particular area of the city then which type of location targeting you should prefer? Country wide location targeting City level location targeting Proximity targeting or “Target Radius” Stare level location targeting None 2. If you have a small business which provides services to particular area of the city then which type of location targeting you should prefer? Country wide location targeting City level location targeting Proximity targeting or "Target a radius" State level location targeting None 3. Which of the following techniques Adwords system doesn’t employ when showing your ads to users in your targeted location. Search term the user employs while searching in Google Google domain being used IP address of the user Based on the system’s time zone and maps of the location None 4. Adwords system doesn't employ which one of the following techniques to show your ads to users in your targeted location: Google domain being used (.fr,.in,.de, etc.) Search term the user employs while searching in Google. Based on the IP address of the user. Based on the system's time zone and maps the location. None 5. When setting up customized location an advertiser doesn't have which one of the following option : Enter address and mark a radius of certain kms / miles. Select a point on the map. Multi-point targeting. Two-point targeting. None 6. Nicole sells wigs in the metro-Detroit area and only wants her ads to reach potential customers in that area or who are searching for wigs specifically in that area. Which is the most efficient way for Nicole to set up her campaign? Region/City Targeting to "Detroit MI (metro)" Country/region targeting to U.S Country/Terriory Targeting to Michigan Region/City Targeting to Allen Park, MI None 7. Google shows your ad based on location of a user and which factors are used to precisely target a particular user using Google or Google partner sites on Desktop Computer or Laptop? Internet Protocol (IP) address Google Domain Location of Interest All of these None 8. What is an IP Address? Unique Id given by google adwords to every computer model no. of your laptop or desktop processor computer MAC address a unique number assigned by Internet Service Providers to each computer connected to the Internet None 9. Which of the following techniques Adwords system doesn’t employ when showing your ads to users in your targeted location. Search term the user employs while searching in Google Google domain being used IP address of the user Based on the system’s time zone and maps of the location None 10. A person sitting in India searches on "Google.com.au" (Australian google domain). Will see ads targeted to ? Australia India Ads from all over the world None of these None Time's up